Frontend Search

With Content Egg, you can add each deal as a separate post. WordPress searches by post titles, but if you want a search form that shows results from affiliate networks directly (without creating posts for each deal), you can use Content Egg's Frontend Search function.

You need to create two things: a page with the search form (or widget) and a page for displaying the results.

Creating a Search Form

There are several ways to show the affiliate search form with Content Egg:

  1. Using a Widget:

    • Find the widget CE: Product Search in Appearance – Widgets.

    • Place the widget in a sidebar. It will have the same styling as a standard WordPress widget.

  2. Using a Shortcode:

    • Use the shortcode [content-egg-search-form].

    • This shortcode will generate a standard WordPress search form and direct users to a special page with results from affiliate modules instead of the default WordPress search page.

    • The shortcode design matches the standard WordPress search form.

Please note, some themes can extend the Content Egg search form. For example, Rehub offers additional shortcodes.

Search Settings

The next step is to set up the page for output results. To do this:

  1. Go to Content Egg – Settings – General.

  2. Add the output shortcode to the text area labeled Search page template.

I recommend using common shortcodes of Content Egg. For example:

[content-egg-block template=offers_list]


To configure the search form, create a ce-product-searchform.php file in the root directory of your theme (or child theme). Add and customize the form code:

<form role="search" method="get" class="search-form" action="<?php echo esc_attr(\ContentEgg\application\ProductSearchWidget::getSearchFormUri()); ?>">
      <input type="text" name="s" placeholder="Product search...">
      <button type="submit">Search</button>

To configure the global page template with a search result, create a ce-product-search.php file in the root directory of your theme (or child theme). Use code similar to the code in your page.php template.

To configure product-search in the URL search form, use a filter that returns a new slug:

add_filter('cegg_product_search_slug', 'example_callback');

Last updated