Sovrn (Viglink) module

Getting API Key and Secret Key

To find your API key and Secret key for a site:

  1. Log into the Sovrn Platform.

  2. Go to Commerce > Settings > Site.

  3. Under Actions, click on the Key to view the API keys for that site.

  4. If no secret key has been created, click on "Generate Secret Key".

Price comparison

The module allows you to search for a specific product in the Sovrn database and obtain all offers for that product. You simply need to provide a product URL from any supported retailer.

Price filter

Sovrn API provides a simple search function that returns all products with keywords in the product title. To find the desired product, it is recommended to add a filter by price.

Merchnat domains

Unfortunately, the Sovrn API does not return direct product URLs or merchant domains. As a result, some merchant domains may not be detected correctly. To resolve this, add the following code to your functions.php file with merchant-to-domain pairs like this:

function my_viglink_merchant2domain($m2d)
    $m2d['Verizon'] = '';
    $m2d['Lowe\'s'] = '';
    $m2d['Dell'] = '';

    return $m2d;

add_filter('cegg_viglink_merchant2domain', 'my_viglink_merchant2domain');

Last updated