
How to get your Partner ID

Trovaprezzi does not have a public affiliate program. Please contact the Trovaprezzi team directly to gain access to their affiliate program and your Partner ID.

How to update product lists

Trovaprezzi API does not have methods to update existing products. Therefore, it is recommended to use the auto-update of product listings feature for this module.

You can use product URLs as keywords:

Merchant domains

Trovaprezzi API does not return direct product links or merchant domains. For this reason, you need to add mergant -> domain matching pairs manually. Add in your functions.php file code like this:

function my_trovaprezzi_merchant2domain($m2d)
        $m2d['Ri Si Electronic'] = '';
        $m2d['Jolly Shop'] = '';
        $m2d['Mondoshop'] = '';

        return $m2d;

add_filter('cegg_trovaprezzi_merchant2domain', 'my_trovaprezzi_merchant2domain', 10, 1);

Last updated