General information

Content Egg has special module to work with product feeds.

Requirements for feeds

  • File of product feed must be available by direct live link in browser without authorization.

  • CSV or XML format for file.

  • Must be not archived or archived in zip format.

Data feeds can have significant size. Your hosting must have enough memory limit. Make sure that size of unzipped data feed file is less than WordPress memory limit on your site.

We recommend to divide each feed by store or category if it’s possible.

How it works?

  1. Feed file is loaded on your server.

  2. Plugin imports offers in local database.

  3. You can search products as in any other module of Content Egg.

  4. Feed will be reloaded once per day to keep fresh prices.

Each feed must be added as separate module. Go to Content Egg > Modules > Feed modules > Feed:Add new and add feed. You can use maximum 25 feeds.

When you save settings of module, feed will be re-imported in background. Wait until process is finished.

Last updated