How to create a custom template

Content Egg templates combine HTML layout with PHP code to display product data. Bootstrap 5 is embedded in the plugin by default, so you can use any Bootstrap CSS classes to ensure a responsive and modern design.

Steps to Create a Custom Template

  1. Starting Code:

    • Your template must start with the following code:

     * Name: My template name
     * Modules:
     * Module Types: PRODUCT
    use ContentEgg\application\helpers\TemplateHelper;
    // This will include the Bootstrap 5 CSS file and the default plugin CSS file
    • Replace 'My template name' with the actual name of your template.

  2. Add a Div Container:

    • Next, add the following div container:

    <div class="cegg5-container">
    <!-- Inside this container, you can use Bootstrap 5 classes -->
  3. Implement a Product Loop:

    • Implement a loop to iterate through and display all products:

    <?php foreach ($items as $key => $item) : ?>
    <!-- product data output here -->
    <?php endforeach; ?>
  4. Product Fields:

    • The $item array contains the following product fields:

      • unique_id

      • title

      • description

      • img

      • url

      • price

      • priceOld

      • currency

      • currencyCode

      • percentageSaved

      • manufacturer

      • rating

      • domain

      • merchant

      • logo

      • ean

      • images

      • subtitle

      • promo

      • shipping_cost

      • last_update

  5. Output Product Data:

    • To output product data, use the following snippets. Ensure to escape data output with the related WordPress functions.

Product Title:

<?php echo esc_html($item['title']); ?>

Product Affiliate URL:

<?php echo esc_url_raw($item['url']); ?>

Product Image:

<?php echo esc_attr($item['img']); ?>

Product Description:

<?php echo wp_kses_post($item['description']); ?>

Product Price:

<?php echo esc_html(TemplateHelper::formatPriceCurrency($item['price'], $item['currencyCode'])); ?>

Product Old Price:

<?php echo esc_html(TemplateHelper::formatPriceCurrency($item['priceOld'], $item['currencyCode'])); ?>

Merchant Domain:

<?php echo esc_attr($item['domain']); ?>

Merchant Logo URL:

<?php echo esc_attr(TemplateHelper::getMerchantLogoUrl($item, true)); ?>

Merchant Small Icon URL:

<?php echo esc_attr(TemplateHelper::getMerchantIconUrl($item, true)); ?>

Product Stock Status String:

<?php echo esc_html(TemplateHelper::getStockStatusStr($item)); ?>

Product Last Update Date Timestamp:

<?php echo esc_html($item['last_update']); ?>

Amazon Price Update Notice:

<?php TemplateHelper::priceUpdateAmazon($items); ?>

Affiliate Disclaimer:

<?php TemplateHelper::disclaimer(); ?>


<?php TemplateHelper::badge2($item); ?>

Read next:

How to install a custom template

Last updated