Daisycon module

This module is deprecated. Please use Feed modules instead.

1.If you do not have an account in Daisycon affiliate network create it.

2. Go to MATERIAL -> Product feeds and add a new feed filter (read more). Select Using a standard campaign.

3. Copy the generated URL:

Do not change the default feed configuration (CSV, UTF-8).

All products from datafeed will be added to local database of your site. Then, you can search products by keywords inside your local database.

Feed loading will start in the background when you activate the module or re-save the settings. It takes a few minutes before you can search for products.

If the feed does not load, make sure your memory limit value is larger than the size of the unzipped feed:

Don't use too big data feeds. It requires too much resources on your server. We don't recommend to have more than 100 000 products in database (less is better).

You can search by keyword and also by direct link.

Publisher ID, Email address, Password

Daisycon datafeeds often do not contain correct domain name and currency. Therefore, we recommend setting the following parameters in the module settings:

This credentials will be used for authentication in Daisycon API to obtain correct domain name and currency.

Go to SETTINGS -> Account and find your Publisher ID:

The alternative way is to add merchant mapping manually to your functions.php like:

function my_daisycon_domain_mapping($pairs)
    $pairs['Zaful'] = 'zaful.com';
    return $pairs;
add_filter('cegg_awin_merchant_mapping', 'my_daisycon_domain_mapping', 1);

function my_daisycon_currency_mapping($pairs)
    $pairs['Zaful'] = 'USD';
    return $pairs;
add_filter('cegg_daisycon_currency_mapping', 'my_daisycon_currency_mapping', 1);     


How can you update local database without waiting for automatic update?

Go to Content Egg -> Settings -> Daisycon and just resave settings. This will remove local database and it will be reuploaded while your first search.

What will be if product is not existed after database update?

Stock status of product will be set as Out of Stock.

Last updated