
The autoblogging feature automatically allows you to create posts or WooCommerce products. Go to Content Egg > Add autoblogging to create an autoblogging task. You can set a keyword list, post title, and body template, as well as select modules and other settings.

Autoblogging's primary principle is 1 keyword = 1 post.

For example, if you set 10 keywords, up to 10 posts will be created.

You can also set the frequency of the autoblogging task launch and the number of keywords to be processed in one run.

All processed keywords are marked with [square brackets].

When all the keywords are processed, the task switches to inactive status. You'll need to add new keywords to resume autoblogging.

How to import products in bulk

The Content Egg plugin isn't designed to bulk import all products to your website when a separate page is created for each product. We recommend using our External Importer plugin for this task. It imports entire website sections to your WooCommerce directory in just a few clicks.

You can set a list of product names as keywords for autoblogging and set enable the Results for updates and autoblogging = 1 option in module settings if you want to import only one product to each separate page.

This will allow you to create a regular catalog with products in automatic mode.

Working with keywords

When we were developing the autoblogging feature, we had a few unique ideas in mind that make the Content Egg plugin different from other product import plugins.

One of these ideas is that you can work with keywords instead of products. In other words, instead of mindlessly importing all products from affiliate websites, you can focus exclusively on selecting keywords.

Your primary job will be to find low-competition keywords that can generate search traffic. These can be trending keywords, long-tail keywords, answers to questions, and so on. We think you get the idea. You can do a simple Google search to find some great guides on the following topics:

  • How to find the right niche

  • Finding keyword ideas

  • How to analyze keywords

  • Keyword research tools

Try to choose commercial keywords for which the product modules can make relevant product selections. Please note that it will be difficult for the modules to select products based on informational keywords. In this case, you can set a separate keyword for product modules using a special syntax:

Main Keyword;Amazon:Keyword 1;ModuleId2:Keyword 2;…

For example:

How to Use a French Press for Loose Tea;Amazon:French press;CjProducts:Loose tea

In this example:

  • How to Use a French Press for Loose Tea is the main keyword. You can use it for content modules like YouTube or Google Images.

  • French press is a special keyword for the Amazon module.

  • Loose tea is a special keyword for the CJ Products module.

Content mashup

The second important idea behind Content Egg autoblogging is the ability to use a content mashup, where different types of content from many sources are combined to be presented on one page. As a result, we turn non-unique content into a unique page and a useful service for website visitors.

As such, for automatically generated websites, we recommend using a mix of modules, such as products, images, videos, news, and coupons.

Coupons may provide good conversions, but coupon modules don't have a large content base for long keyword searches. Typically, you will need to use single words to find relevant coupons.

Tags and formulas

Tags are special placeholders that will be replaced with the current keyword or product data. You can use tags in your post title or body template.

For SEO, 'additional' keywords in titles usually work well. These can be, for example, the current year; words like "sale", "cheap", and "discount"; answers to questions like "where to buy", "what is the best", "how to use", etc. For example:

What is the best %KEYWORD% in 2021?

To generate more unique content, you can use 'formulas' in which one random phrase or word is selected from a list. For example:

{Where to buy|What is the best} %KEYWORD%?

{Discount for|Sale|Cheap|Hot deals:} %PRODUCT.title%

Why autoblogging doesn't create posts

General recommendation: Before you start setting up autoblogging, make sure that all modules on the manual post edit page are working well and returning data for your keywords.

The most common reasons why autoblogging doesn't create new posts are:

  1. There are no active keywords, and the task has become inactive. Add more keywords.

2. Data is missing for a required module. Go to the post edit page and test the module with your keywords.

Affiliate Egg and autoblogging

If you're using Content Egg + Affiliate Egg integration, the most convenient way to bulk import products for Affiliate Egg modules is to use a list of product URLs instead of keywords. Doing this creates a separate post/product for each URL on your website.

You can collect the list of URLs from the sitemap or using another convenient way.

Searching by URL and autoblogging

Some Content Egg modules also search for products by URL:

  • Aliexpress

  • Amazon

  • Awin

  • Daisycon

  • Flipkart

  • Viglink

  • Walmart

  • Webgains

You can use a list of direct URLs instead of bulk import keywords for these modules, too. For example, you can copy a list of product URLs directly from the AWIN data feed.

WooCommerce and autoblogging

WooCommerce and autoblogging

Price comparison and autoblogging

Price comparison websites

How to create a top products affiliate website

Last updated